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Nancy Botwin Try Again Fail Bettet

Weeds (TV Series 2005–2012) Poster

8 /x

Cheers to hypocrisy!

For years Weeds is being the "everybody-talks-virtually" series only I never had the opportunity to watch information technology. Only finally I did information technology, and I did it desperately because the bear witness is addictive. So finally I could understand why information technology got so much attention.

First of all, the bandage is amazing. Mary-Luise Parker, every bit Nancy Botwin, fits then well in her character and she is so charismatic and then beautiful and and then subtle, gentle, comprehensive and polite that it's almost impossible dislike her. Elizabeth Perkins, every bit Celia Hodes, my god, that woman rocks! She's so naturally dried past the unhappy life she has congenital that fifty-fifty a spontaneous smiling seems like a rock. I can't believe that Elizabeth Perkins never won an award for this character until now because every moment is an outstanding performance and I mean it! Information technology'due south a shame that her character lost then much of her potentials to a point of being kicked out of the show because Celia was 1 of the gears of the show.

The virtually interesting things about the prove were non the drugs, neither was Nancy living a hell each new day, nor the mistakes each character does during the episodes, but yep the social matters that it pointed. I'1000 Brazilian and I live in a small suburban city similar the imaginary Agrestic/Magestic, then... I know a lot how is to survive in a place where you're surrounded by ignorant people that are moved just past an inexistent appearance. It'southward and so revolting to a point that sometimes you just desire to exercise things just to provoke them and play with their abstraction of reality, and the series shows it in a very intelligent and interesting way so yous feel connected by information technology.

But now, after half-dozen years and some changes, Weeds seems to accept lost most of what made it and so interesting during the years becoming simply some other dramedy and Weeds is at present simply all about a adult female dealing with an everyday drama that doesn't fit anymore. While the first 4 seasons were amazing and subtle in its subject, the terminal two seasons lack of the cleverness that once existed. Weeds now is being pushed to something we don't know anymore and information technology's showing signs of tiredness and completely losing its identity and also its characters. Merely that happens with every kind of bear witness sooner or later.

Just anyway... if y'all have the opportunity to picket at to the lowest degree the first 4 seasons, do it. Weeds is not most dealing with drugs, simply a fashion to limited the hypocrisy of each unmarried person in the earth.

I give 8 simply for the show in a whole, but the showtime 4 seasons deserve 10.

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Piddling Showtime, Happy at Last

This evidence is every bit good equally information technology gets. As in, Six Feet Nether good, without being any kind of clone: information technology's its own magical globe, of which in that location will be many future clones, just zip will ever come up close to this for wit, emotion, pacing, or perfection of casting. This show says This Is United states of america like nil I've seen in a long time. Beginning has washed some adept shows, and they've been getting better (afterward decades of astonishingly lazy creative thinking) but in Weeds the we-effort-harder network finally has a true destination serial. For one thing, Mary Louise Parker, who is always brilliant, here manages to pull it off with none of the mannerisms that have colored some of her lesser roles: she is luminescent and true in every moment. And the kids? And the son'due south girlfriend? You become this weird feeling at that place was no camera around--there couldn't have been for people to come off this completely existent. Bravo bravo bravo! Tin't await to see episode 2.

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8 /10

No Stems, No Seeds

Alarm: Spoilers

WEEDS is a complicated series currently ambulation on the cable network Get-go, the same corp. that brought us Expressionless LIKE ME and other controversial story lines. And WEEDS certainly is wonderfully bizarre.

Mary-Louise Parker (THE Westward Fly) stars as Nancy Botwin, a recent widow with two children and a cash menstruation problem. She lives in the fictitious town of Agrestic in Anywhere Bourgeoisie, America. In fact, the shows lead-in goes through great pains to show us how common an area she and her family live in. This is vital since nigh of today'due south drug culture tends to alive right nether our proverbial noses. And the drug, as the title intends, is marijuana, often considered shameful by some to be considered "illegal" while others throw tantrums almost its gateway significance. But Nancy has to feed her family and she'll do whatever it takes to ensure their survival.

In the midst of this seemingly beneficial town nosotros have a troop of old and new pot smokers. The older generation is exhibited by none other than Kevin Nealon (Acrimony MANAGEMENT) whose character, Doug Wilson, is a bored and immature accountant. Self-centered and completely useless in terms of assisting his neighbors, his character is absolutely fantastic. You could easily pic him nevertheless in high school if it weren't for his extremely receding hairline and the family minivan he drives. The newer generation is brought to light by Nancy Botwin's brother-in-law, Andy, played by the first-class Justin Kirk (FLANNEL PAJAMAS, 2006). He has no direction in life and is at present firmly entrenched in Nancy's home. His failings at life are mirrored through his devil-may-care attitudes toward women or growing in whatsoever meaningful way. But once in a while — just occasionally — he'll brand a remark of wonderful profoundness that blows Nancy abroad. He as well is a much needed begetter-figure (although a VERY screwed up 1) for Nancy's ii boys, Shane (Alexander Gould, FINDING NEMO) and Silas (Hunter Parrish, RV). It is Silas, the high schooler, whom we get to see experiment with the emerging drug culture that surrounds his household. Although initially unaware of his female parent'south "business", he quickly reveals to the viewer that he's "non stupid" about what'due south happening under his own roof.

Nancy's friends are a mixed bag. Celia (Elizabeth Perkins, Big), is a member of the PTA, has a kid who suffers with being overweight, and recently constitute out her married man had an thing with the local, and cute, Asian tennis teacher. As the series progresses, we learn that Celia has breast cancer and this comes equally devastating news for someone so infatuated with one'southward appearance (as seen through the mother-daughter relationships). The Shepard's, a black family that live in a "bad part of town", human activity as Nancy's suppliers of the green leaf. They battle finances versus keeping their business concern strictly business whenever Nancy comes effectually (which fluctuates equally her business expands and contracts).

The wonderful affair almost this series is that it puts a mess of moral material in the viewer'southward lap. What is wrong with marijuana when Percocet and other heavy narcotics are readily available via a dr.'south prescription? Is it wrong for a person to support their family past dealing in something as shady equally drug trafficking? Tin a woman be both a loving and compassionate mother while at the same time selling something potentially addicting? Is it hypocritical for someone to sell "the stuff" while at the same time punishing their kids when they catch them doing some of it? Quite a moral quagmire, I'd say.

The other affair that makes this serial work is information technology's sexy. Mary-Louise Parker has that ...something about her that makes her both a respectable looking adult female and only a tad slutty. She's a sexual being who struggles with life in the shadow of her husband's death and has to decide what'south all-time for her, her kids, and her hubby's memory; most times these things are in direct opposition of each other. Elizabeth Perkins mirrors much of Parker'south character in that she too has that respectable/slutty wait but also some uppityness ...until her cancer rears upward. Then she becomes more than introspective and the slut takes over, for a while.

The series producers too put in a deaf and sexually promiscuous girlfriend for Nancy'south son, Silas. This added an entirely new dimension to Silas' character equally he's forced to grow-up without a male parent to guide him through this teenage sexual minefield and he finds solace with the deaf girl's household more than than with his own whenever internal family problems ascend.

This first season took well-nigh two episodes to get rolling, merely in one case information technology did there was no stopping it. You lot really need to open up your listen to the possibilities surrounding this bear witness. It'south not JUST about drugs. It's about the people that are shoved into this niche group for the sake of survival, and it'due south captivating to watch how their flawed lives intermingle. Pot smoker or not, these characters are headed for interesting days. Season 2 has already been purchased by SHOWTIME, which would indicate WEED might be picking up speed and continue smokin' for some time.

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Peachy ensemble bandage scores in this dark horse serial

WEEDS is the anti-Christ blazon bear witness for the people lobbying for wholesome story lines. The title only begins to tell all the things about this program that would have it on a Jerry Falwell morals striking list. Maybe that is why I like the show so much.

Mary-Louise Parker leads a great cast with superb veteran performers such every bit Elizabeth Perkins and Kevin Nealon. The premise of the show is Nancy Botwin (Parker) has to figure out how to keep together her family in an upscale Calif. neighborhood subsequently he early xl'south husband, whom we never meet, dies of a centre set on while out running around with his youngest son. This male child now has issues and doesn't quite fit in with his peers. Her older son is discovering his hormones are raging and the brother-in-law has come to visit and he is a horrible influence on the boys, the housekeeper, and Nancy despite her attempts to go on him in cheque. Despite it all she really loves her blood brother-in-police as he is her family unit reminder of the married man she loved and lost.

What she does to keep the roof over her house is to sell weed...pot...marijuana. She gets the stuff from a thoroughly outrageous and hysterical black family on the poor side of town. She sells in the community of Agrestic, where she lives, and she sells to her lawyer/neighbor, a guy on the urban center council (Nealon), and anyone else that will take, which in this community seems to be well-nigh anybody.

Corking office for Parker as she is the consummate actress. She is always a scrap understated, never overacts, has a cracking sly smile, does dry comedy very well, and delivers her lines convincingly. Nealon is corking every bit the exhaustion councilman/accountant who can't seem to be loftier enough of the mean solar day yet covers his bases and so equally not to be discovered. Simply I think it is Perkins who merely might steal this evidence. She plays a very bright yet vapid wife and mother of two girls. She is an overbearing parent who chastises and spy's on her xv yr. old and harasses her youngest considering of the poor daughter's weight. Her shallow nature is shown as a defense mechanism for a woman whose own mother (Conchetta Tomei) is even more overbearing than her daughter and toward her husband whom she verbally spars with when they are together.

From the opening song, a reprise of the great Pete Seger song "Fiddling Boxes", to the weekly dilemmas for the characters of coping in bourgeoisie the show scores. Usually HBO has the standard for cablevision comedy series but this i is as good as whatsoever.

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10 /x

Suburban life portrayed to the extremes in this hilarious just poignant one-act

Mary Louise Parker plays a widowed suburban housewife forced to create new ways to generate enough income to support the lifestyle she and her family had become accustomed earlier her husband departed. Parker and Elizabeth Perkins are excellent representations of housewives dealing with serious problems in this unrealistic yet frighteningly realistic comedy about living in the suburbs. Unrealistic because information technology is doubtful that this scenario could really take identify but realistic because the actors portray real suburban characters that you might encounter anywhere in the US. The PTA scenes are a scream to any mom that has attended these mundane meetings. Kevin Nealon is groovy equally the e'er high accountant looking to score and Justin Kirk accurately plays Parkers outrageously screwed up brother-in-law that can't seem to stay out of trouble. Even though this is a one-act, information technology as well examines important aspects of suburban life. Drug abuse, race relations, cancer, homosexuality, bloodshed and morality are all explored in a real life yet unreal setting. Information technology kind of makes y'all call back while you are laughing at the superb dialog.

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Addictive Comedy

Weeds is near Nancy Botwin a working mum and housewife who gets into the darkest situations when her husband unexpectedly drops dead and she is left to raise 2 kids, a brother-in-law and rustic surface area's secret addiction to home-grown weed. Using this; as a way of dealing with her emotional collapse, in return for providing for the family by dealing marijuana to neighbours and spacey school-kids. Nancy is played with perfect pokerfaced- untelling-drug-seller mum past Mary-Louise Parker, ex-West Wing star who talks on a less political and more social tasks of day to day life. She is groomed for whatever social eventuality. Alongside the mum of two is youngest Shane (Alexander Gould) who played the voice of Nemo in 'Finding Nemo' who is less stutter and more into the wild flights of fancy. Older bro Silas (Hunter Parrish) who is eager to get his school life on the OC-blazon listing by doing anything or anyone possible.

Yeah, selling drugs makes good Tv? Weeds outshines the morally ambiguous judgement on drugs. Some of the people who practise drugs are adept, some are bad. But it'due south the person we guess, non the substance. While information technology seems a flake Drastic Housewives, it's got a lot more going for it. With bitchy neighbour Elizabeth Perkins who makes the typical rich mum attitude accept a leap forward.


With its entwined spontaneity, this is addictive and even so bizarrely enjoyable. Like nigh Telly shows trying today: firmly planted in reality.

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ix /10

Wonderful, wonderful show

Warning: Spoilers

Weeds is a deliciously liberal show, full of witty dialog and wonderful characters. One-act, pathos, and pushing the envelope. It'south interesting that a show like this might take been pretty outrageous at most any other time, just today it doesn't even rate as controversial. It'south gone under the radar of a lot of people, incl. much of the media, information technology seems. Good. Then maybe it'll exist left solitary to prosper and abound and bring us more than brilliant one-liners, political and otherwise. Being in its second season is a expert sign.

The show has progressed well so far. The first episode was really proficient, and I was crestfallen when Celia's eldest daughter, Quinn, didn't return. In that location was a girl with sense enough to rebel confronting her awful mother. Now nosotros knew she was gonna be okay! But then she gets sent off to Mexico and we never see her once again! That's tough. For the next few episodes I worried that the show wouldn't survive this loss. Only it did. It had plenty crazy and delightful characters for it to keep going total steam alee, and now, up to episode 5 of season two, it hasn't weakened yet. Some developments are contrived, and non besides realistic, just that doesn't matter when the amusement value is so spectacular. I choose to believe!

As for Mary-Louise Parker, what tin can I say? It's definitely and definitively the part of her lifetime. And she'south probably the most amazing-looking 42-year-old I ever saw! I promise this testify lasts for fifteen seasons. Go, Mary-Lou!

PS. I don't do weed and don't intend to, merely this show has made me more relaxed virtually it. Not relaxed enough to try it, simply mellow enough not to be judgmental well-nigh it. That's cool.

9 out of x.

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10 /10

beloved information technology!

I don't actually get hooked on a TV series, i usually just watch a show if it's on or non or if I'm in the mood. Just i have to say Weeds got me more than hooked than a crack-addled prostitute. Every episode just wanted me to sentinel the adjacent one and i ended upwardly buying every season. Gotta say season 2 is the best if i had to choose one merely its a hard determination. Every fourth dimension Doug comes on screen I'm in stitches, has to be the funniest, wittiest and dopey character ever invented for Television receiver. This is the most creative, about hilarious TV show since friends, and definitely the most addictive. Once yous watch Weeds, you'll desire to sentry information technology again and over again and again.

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seven /x

"Weeds" is dark and funny, simply doesn't offer as much as information technology should

I like "Weeds" for its night comedy. The first season'due south jabs at suburban life and Nancy (Mary Louise Parker) juggling that with the lucrative earth of drugs had a lot of subtle sense of humour that I enjoyed.

I enjoyed the characters that they introduced me to. Doug (Kevin Nealon), Dean (Andy Milder), Silas (Hunter Parrish) and Andy (Justin Kirk) all have a vague charisma with underlying one-act that I was drawn to them. I'm a lilliputian disgusted by how thin Mary Louise Parker and Elizabeth Perkins are but I tin can get past that past how well they portray their characters. Just this brings me to my biggest trouble with the show, these characters are not explored as deeply every bit they should exist. The bear witness is really all plot and no character development.

The bear witness gets darker every bit Nancy gets deeper into the drug earth. The comedy is still there simply I am frequently squirming in anguish over the situations that she gets herself into.

I recommend "Weeds" for people who like dark comedy, but it has its faults and can be off-putting, disconcerting and frustrating.

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Weeds is Bright!

I haven't been a defended fan of a TV series since Moonlighting back in the 80'due south simply I'm totally hooked on Weeds. Mary-Louise Parker plays the role of Nancy Botwin perfectly! As a widowed housewife trying to maintain an upper course lifestyle for herself and her two sons by selling weed, she obviously encounters problems maintaining her two roles....mother and drug dealer. Parker actually emphasizes this "dual role" and she does it'll detect yourself really feeling for the grapheme and cheering for her all the style. Elizabeth Perkins in the role of Celia, Nancy'south close friend, is phenomenal. Lookout her carefully in this bear witness, her vivid acting and her characters dry out sarcastic nature provides much of the shows' comedic value merely it is sometimes very subtle. I personally think Perkins deserves a supporting Emmy for this one. In short, Jenji Kohan has scored big-fourth dimension with Weeds and I hope information technology enjoys a good long run on Offset....I'm definitely a dedicated fan! My but proposition....episodes should be an hr long!

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ix /10

[eight.v] Weeds is then practiced information technology makes you desire it

Weeds was 1 of the few series in the 00s that had the near perfect balance betwixt one-act and yummy drama.

The writers did an awesome task in developing it and writing that good the unfolding of events every bit well as its funny twists and turns. The cast was superbly chosen and all of them contributed to the success and dynamic of the show.

That said, in my opinion, most of the credit to the success of the show goes to Mary-Louise Parker, who put upward a tremendous operation and portrayed the weed-planting female parent and business organization woman awesomely. She was nuts, having her own insane logic, she was super funny, mind blowingly beautiful, easy to the eyes and almost chiefly, this woman didn't age! Her nutrition was coke and sleep and she was pimping fresh and young, a petty bit more in each episode of every season.

She was a pleasure to watch and super enjoy her crazy funny acting and one of the very few out there whose acting and expect I praised since the very commencement episode. She was a Mama leader to both her children and to the whole series.

A comet star who made us savour Weeds so so much with its refreshingly dark-green and unique leaves.

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ane /10

Getting erstwhile

This show used to be good, but it's obviously out of ideas now. The get-go few seasons were interesting and the storyline definitely kept you coming dorsum every week. Only now it needs to conclude or become canceled. The characters are getting dried and to be honest, Nancy has only become annoying. Her grapheme is so dull and sullen. You just want to yell at the screen at the end of every episode, "Get your south@#t together already". They're ruining what was a skillful show past dragging it out besides long. The but reason I've continued to watch is because I have goose egg ameliorate to practice and I'yard hoping they will conclude it, but I don't know how long I can keep that upward every bit I just take no interest in watching this show anymore. Terminate It!!!

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The best television has to offer

What a clever, well written show. Immensely watchable and well acted. Mary Louise Parker is perfect in the role of a Yuppie, widowed woman making ends meet by selling Marijuana. The prove highlights well the difficulties for single women not just at the upper end of the economic spectrum, only those not quite every bit well off. The language, although at times is strong, is realistic and appropriate.

All of the roles are interesting. Elizabeth Perkins plays the role of the acerbic friend who never quite realized her life ambitions. Her one girl is overweight, the other merely hates her, and her husband is sleeping with the Asian American tennis pro.

Every episode offers something new. I will definitely proceed on looking for the next episode.

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10 /10


A timeless comedrama with some of the nigh intrinsic connections to its graphic symbol. Over the 10 years I've been binging forgetting and coming back to binge it all over again equally if information technology was the first fourth dimension I take to say this evidence is timeless!

A classic to the very stop. My only complaint with this entire show is how Nancy casually turns into Fiona Gallagher just other than that it's spotless.

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9 /10

A daring comedy with eye

Weeds is a hilarious comedy, post-obit other trend-setting shows like The Sopranos and Six Feet Under that deal with existent life issues (using real life language). Sometimes wonderfully nighttime, and sometimes very blunt, the humor seems to adjust each episode's full general mood.

The quickly progressing story lines provide plenty of interest and we apace develop a sympathy for the main characters through some genuinely emotional dilemmas, especially Nancy, but this is no incertitude helped by the fact that she is a gorgeous soccer mum in distress.

The small number of episodes in each series might exist a piddling disappointing, but is easily forgiven in helping to maintain the loftier quality and originality of each episode. I can't look for season 2.

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10 /10

I can't picket 30 Stone anymore. This show spoiled me!

If there is a heaven, it's got an endless supply of Weeds episodes. Consistently robbed by Accolade Shows, under-sold, under-advertised, information technology's got the almost creative writing, the funniest, most daring actors, and what's amazing is that every season tops the last. How long tin can they keep it up? Personally, I've seen every episode, four or 5 seasons already, and my merely complaint is that they only make virtually a dozen episodes a year. Way to continue people jonesing! The writers, cast and crew should accept their every need catered to, and their just responsibility should be to make more than Weeds episodes. More than episodes, longer episodes, keep everyone in the cast, and keep spreading the word then I tin can laugh near it with more people. These are my only suggestions. You might want to sentry from Season One, as everything builds, and references to the past are fabricated. The topics discussed or engaged in seem to be all the ones that are taboo in our society: guns, drugs, sex, politics, abortion, etc. Sometimes, the characters choose wisely, and sometimes they do wrong, merely even when they practice, it ends up making u.s.a., the viewers, all the wiser for information technology. But ultimately, information technology'south about a family. And that's the main thing that keeps me coming back. Information technology's a meal of madcap clever zaniness sprinkled throughout with moments of intense sunshiny love. Aww!

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Good lord, this evidence is good. It'southward thought provoking. Really, and so many of the decisions fabricated are poor, and so many of the characters practice fairly rancid things. But y'all can't help loving them and you can't help loving the plots. I've fallen in love with every member of the Botwin family. This is a smart, very funny, sexy and sophisticated show. I'm non going to summarize anything hither because I'm certain people are aware of the premise.

Information technology sounds like it could be dull, merely you must see it- each episode, people are dealing the characters deal with difficult decisions. Sometimes there'south deliberation, sometimes there'due south regret- the show's smart enough where information technology assumes we know what the "right thing" was that one should have done. Nearly often, the characters don't exercise that right thing, and nevertheless we love them, maybe even think "I would accept done that." This is a show that basically says, beneath the normalcy, everyone is pushed to the limit in some way. It's no where near as night every bit "Twin Peaks," merely somehow, without the freakiness/fear, it reminds me of it because it'southward intelligent and it shows what lies beneath a flake.

When you spotter it, lookout man out for Shane Botwin who is the Id of the prove, and Andy, his grown up version who I personally hate still am totally overjoyed past.

Ah, and yes, the interim is superb.

Here's hoping it goes to DVD!

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Weeded out

"Weeds"; where to brainstorm with this one. Well, my connection with information technology began a couple months agone when I met upwardly with a friend of mine who was domicile from college on bound break. My friend has get a consummate pro-pot activist while away and funny, I don't ever recall him mentioning having a job, despite a fatty pocket of cash, for which I believe he said was going towards a supplier, or something like that. I guess dealing has its perks when information technology's inked with an ounce (no pun intended) of legitimacy.

That's the dilemma with all-American white suburban mom Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker), who'southward forced to have to sell the wacky tobaccy when her husband dies, leaving her a widow and the sole flagman of her two sons Shane (Alexander Gould) and Silas (Hunter Parrish). Left with no other alternatives because of her hubby'southward decease and mounting financial woes, she embraces the lowly enterprise of becoming the neighborhood pot dealer, receiving numberless of the stuff from stern supplier Heylia James (Tonye Patano) and her lackadaisical nephew Conrad (Romany Malco).

"Weeds," as envisioned past creator Jenji Kohan, is a bear witness that neither endorses nor condemns marijuana usage; information technology's non making a political argument of its legalization either. Information technology'south just a portrait of a middle class mom forced to make a hasty decision in the oestrus of the moment.

Of course the things Nancy does tin can't be condoned (including her and other characters' bizarre habit of sex with strangers), but what is she to do? I personally think the pot-dealing angle of the plot only goes to suffice its true motives, which are to paint a funny, satirical view of suburban angst, boredom, and trouble. I haven't seen a suburban comedy as funny or as engaging every bit "Weeds." After the unwanted departure of "Expressionless Like Me," the channel has been left to pick upwardly the pieces in its aftermath.

Pretty soon everyone wants a piece of the activeness, including the city's councilman Doug Wilson (Kevin Nealon) and Nancy'southward slacker brother-in-law Andy (Justin Kirk). But between her pot-dealing, she must also contend with her lovelorn son Silas' blossoming relationship with the girl of Celia Hodes (Elizabeth Perkins), and Shane's unusual behavior at school and at dwelling house. Celia, by the way, overhears rumors her hubby (Andy Milder) is having an matter with his Asian tennis teacher (I don't need to go into specifics virtually the details of THIS affair).

"Weeds" shows hope as beginning-class entertainment on Showtime, which is set up to become my new Play a trick on and TNT. And don't forget to check out "Barbershop" too.

"Weeds" – weed it out.

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8 /x

fun sexy soccer-mom drug-dealing black humor

Nancy Botwin (Mary-Louise Parker) is trying to maintain her suburban life afterward the decease of her husband and pay for her housekeeper Lupita. Her oldest son Silas (Hunter Parrish) is rebellious and her younger son Shane (Alexander Gould) is weird. She's dealing weed and her biggest customer is her unscrupulous accountant Doug Wilson (Kevin Nealon). Her brother-in-police Andy (Justin Kirk) is supposedly helping her. Her neighbor Celia Hodes (Elizabeth Perkins) is nosy. Celia has long suffering husband Dean (Andy Milder) and willful daughter Isabelle Hodes (Allie Grant). (There's also another daughter.) Nancy struggles confronting the constabulary, other growers, dealers, gangsters, Mexican cartel and anyone else equally she discovers that she's actually a great drug dealer.

This is a cracking mix of characters in a fun twist on the American dream. It's 'Breaking Bad' except wacky and sexy. I dear Kevin Nealon and Elizabeth Perkins but it'southward Mary-Louise Parker that makes the prove what it is. She has a sly humorous side which makes her the best part of Red. The nighttime humor of the show is a perfect fit for her.

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iv /10

Weeds – not my bowl of hemp

Alert: Spoilers

I had heard (and read) so many good things most Weeds that I was looking forward to getting hooked on some other slap-up cable Serial (like Entourage, Sopranos or Mad Men) but that slowly eroded away with each episode I watched from Flavor One. (didn't make information technology past the first 6 episodes)

The writing was unoriginal, contrived and the portrayal of Blacks embarrassing. The dialog felt forced, like the writers are trying way besides hard to be clever and hip . It was a rare moment when I really emitted an audible laugh.

The characters never adult enough for me to intendance about them, they were selfish and unappealing. I absolutely HATED the add-on of the Brother-in-constabulary (who should have been hauled away on To Catch A Predator) and the removal of the Hodes' daughter Quinn from the cast by sending her to boarding school in Mexico was and so unoriginal and cliché, I had to conclude the writers were testing the viewer's loyalty.

Episode afterwards episode I liked the characters less and couldn't get by many of the technical flaws in the story line.

Add to that I heard that Flavour Two wasn't every bit skillful, so I lost all motivation to continue to watch this play out.

If you're a fan of good casting and writing, I doubtable this show will be a claiming for you lot to similar, unless of course y'all're stoned and then all bets are off.

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10 /10

Tv that isn't reality is quality

I cannot believe I haven't written a review for this extremely entertaining telly series.

The plot is inventive and exciting equally it isn't completely realistic yet it isn't besides out there. The balance and step is perfect.

Although the start 2 or iii seasons really captivated me, I felt information technology lost some momentum until the awesome flavour 6, but that'due south because I wasn't warned. I am warning you all that the plot drastically changes from time to time, something I didn't wait and then I wasn't able to fully comprehend.

This show is sublime, information technology's definitely up there with Breaking Bad. I enjoy Weeds because of the humor and the short only entertaining episodes whereas I enjoy Breaking Bad because of the drama and the length of their episodes. Information technology's sort of like two like plots (drugs and coin) simply with drastically different execution.

Weeds is coin then are the Botwins.

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8 /x

Fun Show with Funny Situations

Warning: Spoilers

Well, most of the situations are funny anyhow. Some of them range from sad to pathetic to what the heck??? Let me preface by maxim two things though: 1) I have simply seen the showtime 6 seasons yet and I exercise intend on seeing the balance somewhen (still waiting on DVDs from Netflix) 2) I really do like the show, I accept some nitpicks too equally shown below.

Nancy, a recently widowed yuppie who lives in an upscale suburban neighborhood no longer has her husband's income and decides to exercise what? Sell Marijuana of grade! That'due south the first thing I'd exercise if my married woman died...OK no I wouldn't.

It works corking for this testify though. Selling a establish that has a street value high enough to afford her not only her bones necessities just several luxuries as well...maybe.

Yous definitely take to take the good with the bad. My personal favorite characters are basically losers just the funny thing is that they are all losers. There really aren't also many good guy vs. bad guy situations in this serial. It's actually more like bad guys vs. worse guys.

The pilot serves to make you feel sorry for Nancy due to the loss of her husband. In my opinion (spoiler alarm) this is the ane and simply episode in the serial where she TRULY shows that she misses her husband. From that moment forward, she is a S-L-U-T!!! She has sexual practice with almost every homo on the show that she interacts with. This (to me anyway) seems similar the opposite of mourning over the loss of a husband. Man, I promise that doesn't happen if I die off before my wife...and at a young age too. Not that I think she should sit in a corner weeping every episode either just that is actually just a tiny fraction of my nitpick with this show. The other thing is that to me, Nancy zigs where she should zag with each and every pick in her life. I go on waiting for her to make a smart determination but information technology just...doesn't...happen. Oh well, similar I was proverb, y'all gotta take the adept with the bad. The only other gripe most Nancy is that she is Not a good female parent. She makes so many mistakes with her kids information technology's enough to make your head spin. (Spoilers once more) in that location just appears to be no limit to what she and her kids do that are immoral, unlawful, unjust and just messed upward. They steal, deface property, destroy property, commit arson, murder etc. I could go on forever.

I understand that drug dealers are non the almost pleasant people in the world and that their lives are non total of sunshine and rainbows but there are sure people in this series that are completely devoid of any redeemable qualities, some of them being main characters.

One thing I did really like that they touched upon (spoilers over again) is that (with regard to the episodes dealing with the Mexican drug cartels) is that they didn't simply smuggle drugs...they smuggled people too, young girls to be exact. The intention was to traffic them for sex. Innocent people got caught in the crossfire every bit well. This is 100% representative of what is happening in reality as nosotros speak. I give them an A+ for that 1.

Andy is a fun character as are Doug and Dean. Kevin Nealon's portrayal of Doug is excellent. He does the dumbest things imaginable just at the end of the day, you lot withal like the guy.

Another pocket-sized nitpick is the (at least in some of the seasons I've watched) is a very heavy layer of political crap that gets shoved right downward your throat. I get then ill of that in movies and T.V. shows. If I want to know how to feel nearly a certain person or issue, I volition do my ain inquiry and come up to my own conclusions. I Do NOT need someone standing on their soapbox trying to tell me how I should feel almost something only because they are famous and therefore can afford a bigger, fancier soapbox than I tin. I don't tell them how to alive their lives and how to think, I'd appreciate the same courtesy extended to me. That gripe is over now.

That reminds me of another character that sadly you only get to see for a short while and that is Andy'southward Dad played perfectly by none other than Albert Brooks. I've e'er liked him, the abiding banter betwixt he and Nancy and Andy is hilarious! There is definitely lots of eye-candy for sure. Nancy isn't hard on the optics for certain and despite her misguided nature I kind of root for her simply the woman walks right into every single mouse trap that life has to offer and she doesn't even get the cheese!

The prove presents amusing tales about tough times and how some people cull to deal with them. I thing it does serve to practice is to show the very real dangers of prescription drug abuse, cocaine, peyote and a truckload of other things as well. The one unmarried nearly annoying matter about this show is the theme song. It grates on my fretfulness similar none other. I literally mute it each and every time and and then turn the volume support. I loved the season (4...five???) where for an entire flavor, you don't accept to suffer it simply instead in that location is a new and creative starting time to each episode. Some of them are a petty Napoleon Dynamite-like...Gosh!

This was a round about fashion of saying and so but it'south a fun show, definitely worth watching. Now I'm going to become and osculation my wife!

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5 /10

Mildly interesting show, that deliberately tries too difficult to be controversial

This show is mildly interesting, watchable, but hardly something with an edge or a masterpiece, a few months ago the president of showtime complained how the testify didn't get any controversy, because they honey controversy, it seems like the show is trying too hard with scenes and subplots to become it, instead of pointing a different and unpopular view which is what normally causes the controversy.

A few of the latest, pre-teens going lesbian, prepubescent boy receiving Asian handjob and the countless Bush-league's family remarks, f-cking his wife and dick in his daughter'south oral cavity, this show looks more and more than like a pathetic fatty and hairy guy dancing naked in the middle of the street trying to get attention, information technology's just sorry actually, hardly something to be offended.

I usually enjoy shows with no censorship and edge, this one however suffers from bad writings, it has decent characters, Mary-Louise Parker's Nancy used to be good, now information technology's just annoying, the remainder of the cast shines in their parts, peculiarly Kevin Nealon as Doug.

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Don't proceed us in suspense!

Every Monday at 9PM CST I am in front of my TV to watch 1 of the best shows written with the best cast on a sitcom. And I would re-watch it throughout the week. The characters, the storyline and even the opening vocal that y'all tin't become out of your head. The merely way to brand it meliorate is make it an hour long and use Kevin Nealon a lot more than. Please don't keep us in suspense! Is it going to be renewed? I got Showtime just to sentinel this show and it is definitely worth it! This show does well showing part of bourgeoisie that most people don't want to remember actually exists. But exist it does and not just in California. I like the plots and the passion that keep you coming dorsum for more and antisocial information technology when the show is over. There should be a few Emmy awards waiting!

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